
Monday, February 23, 2015

Where Does This Social Media Thing Begin and End – OR – It’s a Business Revolution, Welcome to the Social Biosphere

Unlike Business Process Transformation and all the various snake oil we’ve bought over the last few decades – the Social Biosphere presents us with a genuinely transformative business environment.

The best part, okay the two best parts: first the Social Biosphere is PR driven just like the digital business revolution was 15 years ago, and second it is inevitable and happening now.

Traditional PR and communications thinking knows the game has changed, they just can’t figure out how.  They continue to stumble about like drunken frat boys wondering how it all fits together at intra-organizational and inter-organizational levels.  In short you PR firm doesn’t understand the social business environment you’re seeking their aid in dominating or at least surviving.

So we see traditional PR and communications adapting traditional models, which isn’t necessarily the worst thing they could be doing.  They’re just adapting backwards, reflecting their lack of understanding of the environment.  You can liken it to the global warming debate.

One side shows us data of melting glaciers or ambient temperature rise, the other side counters with a growing glacier and chaos mathematics of 10,000 year global weather cycles. And so mirrors how big PR deals with social media. 

It doesn’t matter if glaciers are expanding or contracting, it doesn’t matter if ambient temperatures are rising or at what point we fall in our current 10,000 year weather cycle.  All that matters is what is happening in our daily environments and seeing what is most likely to happen given our current course.

PR agencies understanding and interactions within the social biosphere are no less absurd than those who think we can continue business-as-usual from a resource consumption perspective. 

Sure it will work for awhile. It’s just unfortunate that big PR, seems committed to clinging to dated media tactics that simply no longer fit the reality of our existing business environment.  Sure your agency team is still producing results for those whopping retainers they charge.  Environments don’t completely change overnight, nor will they ever completely leave the old behind, they grow and evolve, like… uh, any BIOSPHERE does.

But here’s the kicker, you see it and your agency sees it, except they see an ongoing hemorrhaging of revenues they’re helpless to stop and a traditional media system that has been in its death throes for the last 20 years. 

And still despite being repeatedly smacked in their collective income statements and balance sheets for years big PR’s best answer to all of this change, is… AHH YOU NEED TO TWITTER! 

Well sure Twitter might be an important piece of your interactions within the social biosphere but, I can promise you – NOT Twitter nor any one other tactical idea or communications plan – is anywhere near enough to integrate your business into the Social Biosphere.

Social media may be our window into the Social Biosphere, but once inside you’ll find a whole new business environment. 

It WILL be frightening and you WILL stumble and make mistakes - but like any new environment those in first and most committed WILL WIN!

When you’re ready to WIN find an OUTLAW.

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