
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

What Makes a Brand Socially Successful – OR – When a Brand Transcends Becoming Lifestyle

A recent discussion among Social Media marketers about Apple’s success in the social media space got me thinking.  Not about Apple’s SM success, that depends on how and who is measuring, like most things in life.

No, I thought about Apple’s success as a brand and realized it past successful company / brand many years ago and somewhere along the way became a lifestyle, for lack of better term.

Many brands struggle, are posers and spend billions to convince you they fit with some certain type of lifestyle; Apple has somehow managed to become that lifestyle.  How?

Simple it’s a social business and has been behaving as such for at least 10 years or more.  Apple’s business model and, at times its very survival, depended upon various communities, music, video, printing, art, graphics, education… all distinct social ecosystems operating within the larger Social Biosphere and Apple has devoted itself to driving, participating and shaping the conversations in all these ecosystems (marketplaces) for years. 

And VOILA… we’re left with a great example of what is possible when a business is ready to break the rules and embrace the social biosphere.  The ultimate socially engineered company! 

It’s a tough road to follow and not a year used to go by without various industry “experts” foretelling Apple’s demise.  Apple stuck to focusing on being social and well, the rest, as they say, is history – Social Biosphere style.

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