
Friday, February 20, 2015

Damn Lazy Freaks – OR – The Birth of a Culture Rededicated to Freedom and the American Dream

Call the Occupy Wall Street phenomena what you will, protestors, losers, heroes, revolutionaries, rebels, it doesn’t really matter.  History will ultimately decide who and what they are and what their purpose was. And that’s not going to happen until the affects and repercussions are long underway, thoroughly felt by all and normalized and sanitized within our collective societal gestalt.

What’s fascinating, as both a student of and consultant to organizations great and small within this Social Biosphere (what your PR agency still calls social media) is  much more basic, simple and yet infinitely more important and sublimely complex.  If you understand any of this, you’re already smarter about social media than your PR agency team.

I’ve spent several days tramping around Wall Street, circulating in the park, avoiding being arrested and realized this is the Social Biosphere in action and in real-time; it’s a physical manifestation to be sure but is no less a socialized environment than FaceBook, Twitter or Tumblr 

I’m a sociologist first and foremost, literally, my degree line runs; BA Hon Sociology, MBA, and BPR (Bachelors of Public Relations), and just as I’ve witnessed online for several years, so now am witnessing in real-time in the physical world.

Occupy Wall Street may be and will continue to be many things to many people all over the world however, what it is at its most fundamental is an embryonic culture forming before our very eyes. It has a core of collective values, a true purpose and exponentially growing number of voluntary adherents spanning the physical and digital realms – yes this is the SOCIAL BIOSPHERE.

Marketers need to be paying as much attention or more than police and politicians to this group of rebels staking out a community in Lower Manhattan. This is how the Social Biosphere works, this is how a culture is formed and this is what it looks like in real-time.

PR folks in particular need to pay heed not only as humans and Americans who should care about what these folks care about, nope that will only be a bonus. 

If you’re confused about the Social Biosphere, and by the number of large PR agencies consulting with me about social communications, I know you’re confused – get your ivory-tower asses down there and witness a social culture being born and taking shape.

You’ll be a better communicator for it, better able to advise your clients about the Social Biosphere and you might just learn something about yourself.

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