
Wednesday, February 29, 2012


 I Can Make an Immediate Impact on Your Business
Public Relations Social Media Media Relations Marketing Communications PR Publicity Executive Communications Media Training Crisis Communications
We often hear the phrase; “Hit the ground running,” while mostly meaningless corporate-babble, the underlying concept remains a good one. 

It’s like saying “Hey, let’s not waste a bunch of time milling about like politicians searching for the tax-trough at feeding time.  As a soldier put it to me today, “Let’s get ‘er done.”  I like that.

But then again that’s the difference between a soldier and those who send them in harm’s way; politicians often enjoy a certain luxury of perspective on reality.

That’s what I bring to any business or organization fortunate enough to engage my services; a real reality-based gut-check that will make a difference on the impact of your communications activities and ultimately on your bottom line organizational goals.

My experience in communications, my education and my diverse life experiences allow me to be uniquely qualified to help businesses overcome those sticking points in their communications programs and find those new and innovative ideas we search for and hold in such high esteem.

No muss, no fuss, no milling about; I can help you, “Get ‘er done.”

I founded a company two years ago called Outlaw Communications and have spent this time combining my years of public relations and business communications experience with an ever-growing and deepening understanding of the emerging social media environment.

I’m a veteran PR guy experienced with accounts both large and small in the corporate, agency and non-profit environments. I’ve worked with technology companies such as Dell, Apple and IBM as well as consumer products companies like Cadbury-Schweppes, Best Buy and Panasonic and financial services companies like GE Capital, Genworth Financial and Chase. 

I have both business to business and business to consumer experience in traditional and social media as well as content creation and communications services, such as media training, crisis planning and employee communications and change management.

Here’s a brief recap of the reasons to hire me:
2. Willing to sacrifice an entire consulting company to work with ED
1. I have a very expensive Harley Davidson Habit

Still here, you can learn even more about me here:

Our Blog, Featuring Tales from the Social Biosphere

The Facebook of an Outlaw

Steve Andrews’ Personal LinkedIn Profile


And of course u can pursue us on Twitter   

There’s No Interest Like Piniterest

We’re Hip and We’re FourSquare

Or if you Prefer WordPress

Storify – I don’t think this is a word but, it is a world

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


 I’m True Team Builder

 public relations social media media relations marketing communications 

The word and concept of a team is nothing new to the corporate world, in fact the idea has become so ubiquitous in the business environment it has very little meaning.  The main reason is not that the concept has lost its meaning but, rather so few organizations are able to build true teams, the term all too often rings hollow on the ears of employees.

Have you ever wondered how a team of six or seven young warriors can implement national policy thousands of miles away from home and executive supervision and a 40 person sales department cannot produce an accurate quarterly report on time?  

It’s simple, the first example is a true team committed to achieving a common goal and the second is a collection of individuals thrown together who spend more time competing with one another than focusing on organizational goals.

I can help your organization build a true team, one that will focus on our goals and achieve results far beyond what any collection of individuals, regardless how talented each may be, can possibly deliver for our business and our clients’.

I founded a company two years ago called Outlaw Communications and have spent this time combining my years of public relations and business communications experience with an ever-growing and deepening understanding of the emerging social media environment.

I’m a veteran PR guy experienced with accounts both large and small in the corporate, agency and non-profit environments. I’ve worked with technology companies such as Dell, Apple and IBM as well as consumer products companies like Cadbury-Schweppes, Best Buy and Panasonic and financial services companies like GE Capital, Genworth Financial and Chase. 

I have both business to business and business to consumer experience in traditional and social media as well as content creation and communications services, such as media training, crisis planning and employee communications and change management.

Here’s a brief recap of the reasons to hire me:
2. Willing to sacrifice an entire consulting company to work with ED
1. I have a very expensive Harley Davidson Habit

Still here, you can learn even more about me here:

Our Blog, Featuring Tales from the Social Biosphere

The Facebook of an Outlaw

Steve Andrews’ Personal LinkedIn Profile


And of course u can pursue us on Twitter   

There’s No Interest Like Piniterest

We’re Hip and We’re FourSquare

Or if you Prefer WordPress

Storify – I don’t think this is a word but, it is a world

Monday, February 27, 2012


public relations social media media relations communications

Superior Understanding of the Science Behind the Art of Communications 

What the heck?

I’m a classically trained sociologist, with baccalaureate degrees in Sociology and Public Relations and my graduate work in MBA. I began my working life as a tactical law enforcement officer and fatality investigator – I have spent a lifetime studying, understanding and learning how and why large groups of people do what they do.

Most importantly through my 20 years of tactical direct action operations and PR and communications work I’ve learned how to get large groups of people to do what clients’ wish them to do, at times when lives depended on making the right decisions.  

I founded a company two years ago called Outlaw Communications and have spent this time combining my years of public relations and business communications experience with an ever-growing and deepening understanding of the emerging social media environment.

I’m a veteran PR guy experienced with accounts both large and small in the corporate, agency and non-profit environments. I’ve worked with technology companies such as Dell, Apple and IBM as well as consumer products companies like Cadbury-Schweppes, Best Buy and Panasonic and financial services companies like GE Capital, Genworth Financial and Chase. 

I have both business to business and business to consumer experience in traditional and social media as well as content creation and communications services, such as media training, crisis planning and employee communications and change management.

Here’s a brief recap of the reasons to hire me:
2. Willing to sacrifice an entire consulting company to work with ED
1. I have a very expensive Harley Davidson Habit

Still here, you can learn even more about me here:

Our Blog, Featuring Tales from the Social Biosphere

The Facebook of an Outlaw

Steve Andrews’ Personal LinkedIn Profile


And of course u can pursue us on Twitter   

There’s No Interest Like Piniterest

We’re Hip and We’re FourSquare

Or if you Prefer WordPress

Storify – I don’t think this is a word but, it is a world


I Promise Not to Say, “I Told You So.”

Picture us a year from now and we’re sitting down sharing a moment realizing just what an absolutely, tremendously perfect decision you made when hiring me.  I promise not to look across the ginormagantuean Mountains of praise heaped upon you, not to mention all the bonuses you’ve collected and say, “I told you this would be a good idea.”

I founded a company two years ago called Outlaw Communications and have spent this time combining my years of public relations and business communications experience with an ever-growing and deepening understanding of the emerging social media environment.

I’m a veteran PR guy experienced with accounts both large and small in the corporate, agency and non-profit environments. I’ve worked with technology companies such as Dell, Apple and IBM as well as consumer products companies like Cadbury-Schweppes, Best Buy and Panasonic and financial services companies like GE Capital, Genworth Financial and Chase. 

I have both business to business and business to consumer experience in traditional and social media as well as content creation and communications services, such as media training, crisis planning and employee communications and change management.

Here’s a brief recap of the reasons to hire me:
2. Willing to sacrifice an entire consulting company to work with ED
1. I have a very expensive Harley Davidson Habit

Still here, you can learn even more about me here:

Our Blog, Featuring Tales from the Social Biosphere

The Facebook of an Outlaw

Steve Andrews’ Personal LinkedIn Profile


And of course u can pursue us on Twitter   

There’s No Interest Like Piniterest

We’re Hip and We’re FourSquare

Or if you Prefer WordPress

Storify – I don’t think this is a word but, it is a world

Sunday, February 26, 2012


 Tremendous Multitasking Abilities

As I’m writing this I’m also downloading an iTunes album, watching a live streaming event, walking my dog, stalking a group evil Ogres online in the Enchanted Forest on a MMORPH, networking with European whale watchers and constructing a hypothesis explaining why social media is becoming a true business operating environment.

I need to go check on my soufflé.

I founded a company two years ago called Outlaw Communications and have spent this time combining my years of public relations and business communications experience with an ever-growing and deepening understanding of the emerging social media environment.

I’m a veteran PR guy experienced with accounts both large and small in the corporate, agency and non-profit environments. I’ve worked with technology companies such as Dell, Apple and IBM as well as consumer products companies like Cadbury-Schweppes, Best Buy and Panasonic and financial services companies like GE Capital, Genworth Financial and Chase. 

I have both business to business and business to consumer experience in traditional and social media as well as content creation and communications services, such as media training, crisis planning and employee communications and change management.

Here’s a brief recap of the reasons to hire me:
2. Willing to sacrifice an entire consulting company to work with ED
1. I have a very expensive Harley Davidson Habit

Saturday, February 25, 2012

DAY TWENTY-TWO – REASON TWENTY-TWO to HIRE ME - I am passionate about PR’s Future

DAY twenty-Two – REASON twenty-TWO to HIRE ME #publicrelations #socialmedia #mediarelations #communications I am passionate about PR’s Future

Similar to being Kooko for coco-puffs I am passionate about public relations and communications in all its forms.  I see a tremendous future ahead for our industry as the socialized environment continues to evolve, mature and eclipse though not replace all current business operations.

There will not be social media companies or specialists, all organizations and communicators will learn to operate within the socialized environment and integrate communications and organizational processes much as the web-based environment revolutionized the way we thought about and conducted business.

I see an amazing new cultural awaking in our futures, in fact, social media offers us a chance to observe and participate in the growing cultural evolution in real-time.  Those organizations and individuals best able to envision and adopt a socio-cultural approach to communications will be the new business leaders as the social environment continues to grow.

I founded a company two years ago called Outlaw Communications and have spent this time combining my years of public relations and business communications experience with an ever-growing and deepening understanding of the emerging social media environment.

I’m a veteran PR guy experienced with accounts both large and small in the corporate, agency and non-profit environments. I’ve worked with technology companies such as Dell, Apple and IBM as well as consumer products companies like Cadbury-Schweppes, Best Buy and Panasonic and financial services companies like GE Capital, Genworth Financial and Chase. 

I have both business to business and business to consumer experience in traditional and social media as well as content creation and communications services, such as media training, crisis planning and employee communications and change management.

Here’s a brief recap of the reasons to hire me:
2. Willing to sacrifice an entire consulting company to work with ED
1. I have a very expensive Harley Davidson Habit

Friday, February 24, 2012


DAY twenty-one – REASON twenty-one to HIRE ME #publicrelations #socialmedia #mediarelations #communications I am a creative thinking machine

Really, I am one of the most creatively-driven thinking communicators you will ever meet. Ask yourself when was the last time you encountered a proactive employment campaign like this one?  Have you ever known or heard of someone planning to execute their business for a new career? From the strategic through tactical levels, I look at clients’ public relations and communications goals from a truly unique perspective and am often able to achieve results previously thought unattainable.

I founded a company two years ago called Outlaw Communications and have spent this time combining my years of public relations and business communications experience with an ever-growing and deepening understanding of the emerging social media environment.

I’m a veteran PR guy experienced with accounts both large and small in the corporate, agency and non-profit environments. I’ve worked with technology companies such as Dell, Apple and IBM as well as consumer products companies like Cadbury-Schweppes, Best Buy and Panasonic and financial services companies like GE Capital, Genworth Financial and Chase. 

I have both business to business and business to consumer experience in traditional and social media as well as content creation and communications services, such as media training, crisis planning and employee communications and change management.

Semi-official & Wildly Inaccurate Running ROI:
By the tried an true media ad equivalent metrics used by our industry to demonstrate ROI to clients or another way to say it; “Making up the ratios as I go,” this 19 day campaign has garnered coverage in media properties generating more than 1,000,000 impressions.   In the past I’ve known clients to pay for such exposure.

Add to this the constant, and I have the Twitter elbow (if it’s not an injury it soon will be) to prove it, push through Twitter, LinkedIn, FaceBook, Pinterest, Stumble Upon, Tumblr, Wordpress, Storify and Blogspot, blogs, Foursquare and Photobucket, two motorcycle social media sites, PlanCast, Tungle, a Senator, Two Congresspersons, three NY City Councilors, numerous government and military personnel, several other PR agencies and no less than five Fortune 20 companies. 

Here’s a brief recap of the reasons to hire me:
2. Willing to sacrifice an entire consulting company to work with ED
1. I have a very expensive Harley Davidson Habit

Thursday, February 23, 2012

DAY TWENTY – REASON TWENTY to HIRE ME #publicrelations #socialmedia #mediarelations #communications I am a social business communications engineer

DAY twenty – REASON twenty to HIRE ME #publicrelations #socialmedia #mediarelations #communications I am a social business communications engineer

What is Going Here
For of those of you just joining the Execute an Outlaw Campaign – it started 19 days ago as a simple but creative idea to get David Armano’s attention at Edelman Digital.  The idea began simply enough; every day I would Tweet a reason to David for him to hire me. It grew from this simple idea into a sacrificial corporate event where I offered to kill off my Outlaw, my company for a dream job at Edelman Digital.

The campaign continues to receive coverage in many online publications and blogs with PR, marketing and communications folks sending me encouragements praising the campaign for its innovative approach to the age-old undertaking of finding a job.

Earlier this week when speaking with the CEO of well known public relations agency here in NY, he asked me, “Why choose Edelman, of all places?  Would you consider another agency or corporate position?” 

I’ve thought about what he said and decided I would absolutely consider another business provided the fit was right for both the organization and me, and so here we are at DAY TWENTY – no longer an exclusive offer to Edelman Digital. I have declared myself a free agent.

What About David Armano and Edelman?
Nineteen days ago I decided that David Armano was a PR executive with a very solid vision and grasp of where communications is headed and Edelman was therefore well positioned to capitalize on the social media phenomena sweeping our industry and the entire business environment.

Since then I have spoken with David and he has indeed sent me onward and upward through the maze that is Edelman’s HR machine. And so we meet and we wait and we meet and we wait, so despite my success in getting David’s attention and Edelman’s the process continues to grind at a glacier’s pace.

I have never been known for an abundance of patience when there is no sound business reason for waiting – so while I still think very highly of David and Edelman it is time to expand the campaign to include other PR agencies, non-profit organizations and businesses.

I founded a company two years ago called Outlaw Communications and have spent this time combining my years of public relations and business communications experience with an ever-growing and deepening understanding of the emerging social media environment.

I’m a veteran PR guy experienced with accounts both large and small in the corporate, agency and non-profit environments. I’ve worked with technology companies such as Dell, Apple and IBM as well as consumer products companies like Cadbury-Schweppes, Best Buy and Panasonic and financial services companies like GE Capital, Genworth Financial and Chase. 

I have both business to business and business to consumer experience in traditional and social media as well as content creation and communications services, such as media training, crisis planning and employee communications and change management.

So Give us Reason 20 Already
One of the most significant business challenges every organization faces from Fortune 10 through start-up is how to integrate existing communications with the tidal wave of technology called social media.

Whether your business is resurfacing asphalt roadways or building iPhone apps, or launching the next block-buster pharmaceutical drug; all organizations are interested in and struggling with the impacts of social media upon their businesses’ operations.

My unique combination of general public relations and communications experience and skills coupled with specific knowledge of social media will help your business decide what, if any, social media programs are crucial to your success.

I can help bring order from the social chaos and make sure all your public relations and communications work together, fit together and remain focused on achieving your business goals.  I am a social business communications engineer.

Semi-official & Wildly Inaccurate Running ROI:
By the tried an true media ad equivalent metrics used by our industry to demonstrate ROI to clients or another way to say it; “Making up the ratios as I go,” this 19 day campaign has garnered coverage in media properties generating more than 1,000,000 impressions.   In the past I’ve known clients to pay for such exposure.

Add to this the constant, and I have the Twitter elbow (if it’s not an injury it soon will be) to prove it, push through Twitter, LinkedIn, FaceBook, Pinterest, Stumble Upon, Tumblr, Wordpress, Storify and Blogspot, blogs, Foursquare and Photobucket, two motorcycle social media sites, PlanCast, Tungle, a Senator, Two Congresspersons, three NY City Councilors, numerous government and military personnel, several other PR agencies and no less than five Fortune 20 companies. 

Here’s a brief recap of the reasons to hire me:
2. Willing to sacrifice an entire consulting company to work with ED
1. I have a very expensive Harley Davidson Habit

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


DAY nineteen – REASON nineteen for @edelmandigital to HIRE ME

I can’t offer ED an exclusive forever but I will not quit the campaign – so that only leaves the option to seek life elsewhere.

I was speaking with a founder and CEO of one the BEST mid-sized agencies, in NY or anywhere, yesterday evening and he asked me a very simple question?  “Why,” he asked am I pitching Edelman Digital and would I consider going to another agency?

I thought about this and decided he had a very good point.  I should absolutely consider actively pitching a select group of opportunities.  After all excepting Edelman Digital, I’ve met with many agencies in NY and up and down the Eastern Seaboard.  So I am definitely considering other options. 

Edelman Digital and in particular David Armano, certainly seem to have their collective acts together about social media.  I believe ED will be one of the social media leaders – but much like a Harley Davidson once owned by Elvis, if I’ll never be to sit in the saddle and engage; then it makes sense to seek some other opportunity.

Semi-official & Wildly Inaccurate Running ROI:
By the tried an true media ad equivalent metrics used by our industry to demonstrate ROI to clients or another way to say it; “Making up the ratios as I go,” this 17 day campaign has garnered coverage in media properties generating more than 1,000,000 impressions.   In the past I’ve known clients to pay for such exposure.

Add to this the constant, and I have the Twitter elbow (if it’s not an injury it soon will be) to prove it, push through Twitter, LinkedIn, FaceBook, Pinterest, Stumble Upon, Tumblr, Wordpress, Storify and Blogspot, blogs, Foursquare and Photobucket, two motorcycle social media sites, PlanCast, Tungle, a Senator, Two Congresspersons, three NY City Councilors, numerous government and military personnel, several other PR agencies and no less than five Fortune 20 companies. 

Here’s a brief recap of the reasons to hire me:
19. ED can’t be an exclusive offer forever
18. Its cheaper to hire me than pay the invoice
17. I earn clients’ trust by delivering results
16. Even Congress Cannot Stop Me
15. I’ll fight you for it
14. It is the Will of the People
13. The Execution is developing an International following
12. If you don’t someone else will
11. Many claim it but, I AM a social media pioneer
10. With me you get several PR assets in a single package
9. I will never let ED, David Armano or a client down
8. I never quit
7. The only true competitive advantage is people
6. Good guy to have in tough situations
5. Multiple one-on-one endorsements for EDs work in the social biosphere
4. First person to stage social media execution
3. Edelman is hiring a VP Digital in NYC
2. Willing to sacrifice an entire consulting company to work with ED
1. I have a very expensive Harley Davidson Habit

Monday, February 20, 2012


At this point it’s cheaper to hire me than pay the invoice.

Tongue firmly planted in cheek, though I suspect these daily blurbs are the social media equivalent of me shouting off the mezzanine in Grand Central; but here it goes.

 “Hey kids look at the crazy New York man up there, shouting something about a dream job.  Wow, New York sure is a crazy place.”

By the tried an true media ad equivalent metrics used by our industry to demonstrate ROI to clients or another way to say it; I make up the ratios as I go, this 17 day campaign has garnered coverage in media properties generating more than 1,000,000 impressions.  

Add to this the constant, and I have Twitter elbow to prove it, push through Twitter, LinkedIn, FaceBook, Pinterest, Stumble Upon, Tumblr, Wordpress, Storify and Blogspot, blogs, Foursquare and Photobucket, two motorcycle social media sites, PlanCast, Tungle, a Senator, Two Congresspersons, three NY City Councilors, numerous government and military personnel, several other PR agencies and no less than five Fortune 20 companies. 

I’ll put that activity report up against any teams’ for 17 days.

Here’s a brief recap of the reasons David should hire me for Edelman Digital:
18. Its cheaper to hire me than pay the invoice
17. I earn clients’ trust by delivering results
16. Even Congress Cannot Stop Me
15. I’ll fight you for it
14. It is the Will of the People
13. The Execution is developing an International following
12. If you don’t someone else will
11. Many claim it but, I AM a social media pioneer
10. With me you get several PR assets in a single package
9. I will never let ED, David Armano or a client down
8. I never quit
7. The only true competitive advantage is people
6. Good guy to have in tough situations
5. Multiple one-on-one endorsements for EDs work in the social biosphere
4. First person to stage social media execution
3. Edelman is hiring a VP Digital in NYC
2. Willing to sacrifice an entire consulting company to work with ED
1. I have a very expensive Harley Davidson Habit


Clients feel safe, comfortable, confident and quickly come to trust working with my teams

Never underestimate the socio-relational art of what we do and the power personalities bring to client engagements.  

For successful long-term relationships, clients must have a sense of comfort and confidence in their partners, particularly those of us entrusted with that most sacred of organizational possessions; our clients’ reputations.

When clients feel secure knowing their communications partners understand their business and see that understanding applied in strategic planning and tactical implementation and the successes this produces, we are able to push the envelope of client engagements.

As complex and dynamic as communications operations are, having complete faith in our abilities to advance their reputations creates an environment of trust where clients allow teams to focus on bringing real innovation that delivers actionable creativity to our work.

Here’s a brief recap of the reasons David should hire me for Edelman Digital:
17. I earn clients’ trust by delivering results
16. Even Congress Cannot Stop Me
15. I’ll fight you for it
14. It is the Will of the People
13. The Execution is developing an International following
12. If you don’t someone else will
11. Many claim it but, I AM a social media pioneer
10. With me you get several PR assets in a single package
9. I will never let ED, David Armano or a client down
8. I never quit
7. The only true competitive advantage is people
6. Good guy to have in tough situations
5. Multiple one-on-one endorsements for EDs work in the social biosphere
4. First person to stage social media execution
3. Edelman is hiring a VP Digital in NYC
2. Willing to sacrifice an entire consulting company to work with ED
1. I have a very expensive Harley Davidson Habit

Sunday, February 19, 2012

DAY SIXTEEN – REASON SIXTEEN for @edelmandigital to HIRE ME

Even Congress can’t stop me

There are myriad reasons I’ve seen client objectives go unfulfilled over the years.  Some are out of the communications teams’ control but most challenges simply require the application of more and more creative effort to achieve the business goals our clients’ desire. In short, we need to dig a bit deeper and work harder and smarter to overcome challenges.

This particular campaign is turning into an excellent test of my fortitude and staying power.  I’ve been cut loose by David Armano and passed on to the Edelman team in NY and have garnered less of a response from Edelman than from the various media outlets who have covered this campaign as a novel and innovative use of social media and from those denizens of the social biosphere who have shared, commented and re-Tweeted so many of my posts as I pursue a dream position with Edelman.

As I told David, I will stop as soon as Edelman tells me they will not hire me but, I will never quit or give up not even if Congress tells me so.  Take a look at an article about a current information operation I’m conducting on behalf of a pro-bono client and see how a Congressperson pressures me to stand down and cease the campaign. 

And I say, never.

Here’s a brief recap of the reasons David should hire me for Edelman Digital:
16. Even Congress Cannot Stop Me
15. I’ll fight you for it
14. It is the Will of the People
13. The Execution is developing an International following
12. If you don’t someone else will
11. Many claim it but, I AM a social media pioneer
10. With me you get several PR assets in a single package
9. I will never let ED, David Armano or a client down
8. I never quit
7. The only true competitive advantage is people
6. Good guy to have in tough situations
5. Multiple one-on-one endorsements for EDs work in the social biosphere
4. First person to stage social media execution
3. Edelman is hiring a VP Digital in NYC
2. Willing to sacrifice an entire consulting company to work with ED
1. I have a very expensive Harley Davidson Habit