
Thursday, February 9, 2012

4,400 Children Die Each Year Because of TERRORISM by Bullies, Israel C. "Izzy" Kalman – Supports & Defends TERRORISTS in Psychology Today Article

While it irks me to no end to give any sort of social projection to the voice of a TERRORIST supporting hate monger who targets our children, sometimes it’s necessary to highlight the evil doers in order to expose them for the truly rotten bastards they are.

Israel C. "Izzy" Kalman is a pseudo physiological witch doctor, practitioner who wants you to support those who seek to TERRORIZE our children, in some cases kill them, hurt them physically and mentally, or directly cause them, to commit suicide. Here’s an article by a real and actual group of doctors who not only care about TERRORISTS attacking our kids but have studied the bullying phenomena and its devastating consequences in detail.

Recently and for reasons I cannot fathom, Psychology Today published an article by the TERRORIST supporter Kalman where he asserts that kids basically need to “man-up” when bullied and not go “crying” to anyone with the power to stop the TERRORISTS. Kalman further asserts, and his logic is tough to follow here, that those kids who commit suicide as a direct result of being bullied, are merely “looking for attention.”  I’ll give you all a minute to digest that one.

I’m still trying to figure out exactly how I bask in all that beautiful attention being showered upon me if I’m dead.

Aside from Kalman’s obvious difficulties in constructing a logistically sound argument justifying his support of TERRORISM – after all how can you justify support for a TERROR campaign – what kind of sub-human would advocate for the deaths of children.

Fortunately we can answer that question.  Kalman’s position sounds more like a Nazi initiative that Himmler had dreamt up.  Yes I am absolutely comparing Israel Kalman to: Reichsfuhrer-SS, head of the Gestapo and the Waffen-SS, Minister of the Interior from 1943 to 1945 and organizer of the mass murder of Jews in the Third Reich, Heinrich Himmler.  And yes I do see the sick and shameful irony of this. 

Well maybe it’s just me and several million others who have it wrong when we take a stand against Kalman’s TERRORISM, so here are a few stats about bullying from the Centers for Disease Control, CDC, Yale University, Her Majesties Royal Government in Britain and ABC News.   

  • Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people, resulting in about 4,400 deaths per year, according to the CDC. For every suicide among young people, there are at least 100 suicide attempts. Over 14 percent of high school students have considered suicide, and almost 7 percent have attempted it.
  • Bully victims are between 2 to 9 times more likely to consider suicide than non-victims, according to studies by Yale University
  • A study in Britain found that at least half of suicides among young people are related to bullying
  • 10 to 14 year old girls may be at even higher risk for suicide, according to the study above
  • According to statistics reported by ABC News, nearly 30 percent of students are either bullies or victims of bullying, and 160,000 kids stay home from school every day because of fear of bullying

It’s hard to know where to begin after reading Kalman’s article and further researching his writings, practice and lecture work – Kalman’s stance on bullying is that of a TERRORIST support organization it’s that simple and simply wrong.  Let me explain.

For the parents who are reading this understand first and foremost – bullies are nothing but TERRORISTS.  You owe them nothing and they deserve no protection save those most basic human rights guaranteed by the Geneva Conventions.  I know it sounds tough but, remember these are our children who are being murdered and we have an obligation and a RIGHT to protect them.

Kalman supports bullies’ use of TERROR to intimidate our kids, to steal from them, to force them to do horrible degrading things in front of their classmates and peers and about 4,400 times a year; to kill themselves.

I’m not a trained psychologist but, then again neither is Kalman.  He has a Master’s degree and Baccalaureate in science, with concentrations in psychology.  Israel surely must have enough education to know very well this prepares someone for doctoral work – it doesn’t make them a doctor or prepare or in anyway qualify them to treat human patients.  I took an advanced biology course in university and am a trained Tactical Combat Causality Care medic; it doesn’t make me a surgeon.

Despite Kalman’s lack of qualifications I will not bother to engage at the psycho-babble level since its clear Kalman’s fortunes depend on continuing this death-camp business model he’s built on the corpses of our children. 

I will call Kalman out on his methodology; the Kalman method of “hug a TERRORIST” might be appropriate for extremely minor, normal childhood teasing where both or all parties involved are equal and voluntary participants. The kinds of good natured ribbing many of us may have experienced and engaged in as children and still probably do with our close friends.  But that’s not the kind of thing we’re talking about here and Kalman knows it.  He knows it because he earns his blood money by lecturing schools, public officials, and healthcare workers to ignore the TERROR, ignore the death and turn our backs on our kids.

Bullying TERRORISM becomes a greater threat to our children if we attempt to apply the Kalman “Hug a TERRORIST” model to anything that amounts to real bullying. 

And so we come to my area of expertise, and unlike Kalman’s dubious credentials and qualifications, I AM qualified to comment on how bad people do bad things and what good people can do to stop them. Through years of tactical law enforcement, counter terrorism and combat experience – I can assure Kalman and more importantly parents of our kids being bullied, that the Kalman method gets children killed – about 4,400 each year according to the CDC.

I’ll say it again so everyone understands – In my opinion as 15 year+ tactical and direct action operator - Israel Kalaman’s technique is more likely to get your child killed than it is to ever stop a TERRORIST bully.  It will however continue to provide Kalman with a comfortable life and the many luxuries he feels he is entitled to have – as our kids continue to suffer and die for Kalman’s personal gain.

I appreciate that everyone needs to make a buck – but doing so by standing on the corpses of our dead kids somehow seems wrong to me. 

The only way to deal with TERRORISM and bullies is to stop the action and then and only then try and correct the behavior.  We must never negotiate with a TERRORIST we must stop allowing the Kalman’s of the World sacrificing our children for personal financial and egotistical gain. 

Bullies need to be identified immediately by authorities (school officials, police, adults – anyone who can help) and those authorities have an obligation to protect the TERROR victims, not the TERRORIST.  We can attempt to rehabilitate the TERRORISTS once our children are safe.

Mr. Kalman (after all you’re NO doctor), if you’d ever led warriors in combat  or truly been in the horribly tragic position of fearing for your life you’d understand that we secure the objective before we start handing out Red Cross rations to the TERRORISTS we capture.  For my money a TERRORIST bully forfeits his or her right to guaranteed safety the second they engage in TERROR against any child.

It is crucial parents, school officials, public officials, politicians, law enforcement and the rest of us who choose to be decent human beings take a hard – no nonsense stand against our children being the victims of TERRORISTS.  If we stand together we can stop the TERROR and save our children’s’ lives.  Together we are far stronger than any TERRORIST and our kids need to know we’ve got their backs and we will never leave someone behind or alone on the battlefield.  We are with you, we support you and most of us will die to help you.

What can we do as parents to stop the Kalman TERROR support machine?
Simple, share this article, tell your friends and other parents – standing against TERROR is a no-brainer.

Write the editors and leave comments on the, Psychology Today article sending a message to the editors and more importantly the advertisers you DO NOT support TERROISM against our kids.

Contact Cross County Education (an continuing educational group that supports Kalman’s TERROR campaigns against children), write directly to Karin Eggert, Strategic Partnership Manager for Cross County Education and tell her we don’t want our children to die so Kalman can make a few bucks through their support.

Talk to your local school officials, teachers, political representatives and law enforcement to make sure they are aware of both the severity of the bullying problem and that we don’t this TERROR supporter spreading hate in our communities.

And most importantly tell our kids we have their backs, we love them and we will protect them from the torture and harm Israel Kalman would visit upon them.

On a personal note, Israel and, I realize you’ll probably never take me up this because frankly you sound like a coward to me at best and a TERRORIST supporter and accessory to numerous child suicides at worst but; honestly Izzy I’d be more than happy to demonstrate first-hand how ineffectual your techniques really are. 

I would dearly enjoy making you feel the TERROR our children do.  But of course you are safe and this can never happen because you cower behind the very protection the rest of us extend to our fellow human beings even though you do not return it nor deserve it.

You’re a poor excuse for a human being, Israel Kalman.


  1. We had a tremendous support response yesterday to the article outing Israel Kalman as a supporter of terrorism against our kids. Please keep up the pressure, particularly on Cross Country Education,the folks who offer Kalman's course on "How to terrorize children"

    Kalman today was unable to respond to requests from real doctors for any hard data showing his technique of, "Shut up and take the pain" do anything to decrease bullying let alone save any children from suicide.

    You can read about his clumsy attempt to disassemble and confuse the issue here

    Further read how Kalman casually dismisses the success of anti-bullying programs as having a mere too little impact on kids killing themselves to be called successful. If you do the math based on CDC bullying suicide statistics that's about 750 kids a year who do not kill themselves as a direct result of anti-bullying programs.

    At least to me the lives of 748 children are anything but trivial.

  2. This is the initial letter I sent to Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, begging for her help to save our children from terrorism and torture.

    9, February, 2012

    Senator, I know you have many duties and responsibilities and for my money - you're one of the few who manage to conduct themselves with honor in public service.

    It is my hope you might be willing to lend your support and help as we fight for our children's safety. I recently wrote an article: ‎4,400 Children Die Each Year Bully TERRORISM Israel Kalman Supports & Defends TERRORISTS in Psychology Today Article

    About an article in Psychology Today written by a person who essentially tells kids to "shut up and take the pain" when they are bullied. I've spent many years in service where I did "Shut up and take the pain," from being shot, stabbed and even blown up once - but I did it so my children would be safe and wouldn't have to take the pain.

    Israel Kalman (all the details and links to everything are contained in the link above) comes into our communities and "teaches" students, teachers, health professionals, law enforcement and Government officials that bullies should be tolerated and children who are victims should not speak out when attacked nor seek help when they are victimized. For me this is nothing more than supporting a terror campaign against our children.

    I ask that you or your staff please look at the information contained in the link I sent you ( and if you agree this presents a danger to our children and our community please forward the link and / or share it with your contacts and networks via Facebook and other ways at your disposal.

    You are a very powerful person and your support against bullying can help us save the lives of children who should never have to "shut up and take the pain."

    I'm not a man given to begging however, I beg you on behalf of the dead children who will never speak out again - please help shine some light on this issue.


  3. If you aren't on LinkedIn, and want to email CrossCounty Education about this, their customer service rep is:

    You only have 200 wordsm but you can email the CEO of Psychology Today at:
